【北海道/野菜(有機JAS)】生態系を活かした高品質な作物 / High-quality crops that utilize the ecosystem
はるか農園 / Halka Farm
代表者:三浦賢悟 / Representative : Miura kengo
住 所:北海道千歳市東丘 / Address: Higashioka, Chitose City, Hokkaido
商品名 / Product name | 有機じゃがいも / Organic Potato |
農薬 / Pesticide | 無農薬 / No pesticide |
肥料 / Fertilizer | 無化学肥料 / Free chemical fertilizer |
認証 / Authentication | 有機JAS認証 / Organic JAS Certification |
販売 / Sell | 7月〜12月 / July-December |
消費目安 / Consumption standard | 到着後冷蔵保存で3週間 / 3 weeks on refrigerated storage after arrival |
お勧めする理由 / Reasons to recommend
- 野菜栽培と養鶏で自然の生態系を考えた「循環型農業」を実践 / Practice "circular agriculture" considering natural ecosystems in vegetable cultivation and poultry raising
- 経済性を熟慮した有機JAS認定の大規模農場化 / Large-scale farming with organic JAS certification considering economics
- 簡単便利だけではない、手間をかける贅沢を推進 / Promoting not only simple and convenient but also extravagant luxury
Excellent cultivation technology that emphasizes efficiency in harmony with the natural ecosystem
お勧めレシピ 料理研究家 林幸子(アトリエ・グー主宰)
※焼き上がったポテトにカレー粉・ミック スハーブ・パルメザンチーズなどを振ると、味のバリエーションが広がります。
① じゃがいもはタワシでこすり洗いし、1cm厚さの輪切りにして竹串を刺し、海水程度の濃さの塩水(塩分濃度3%)に10〜20分浸します。
② ベーコンを2〜3cm幅に切ります。
③ ①の串を抜いて水気を拭き取り、②と交互に刺し直します。
④ ③をアルミホイルで包み、オーブントースターで20〜25分焼き、ホイルを外してサラダ油を刷毛で塗り、15〜20分焼きます。
道の新規就農制度を利用し、千歳市に就農して18年ほど経ちました。千歳を選んだのは、知り合いからここの農家さんを紹介してもらえたからです。また、作った農産物をどこで売るか考え、札幌近郊がいいと思いました。新規就農の基準の2ヘクタールから始めたのですが、農業の「の」の字も知らない僕の作ったものを僕が農家になるきっかけを作ってくれた農家さんがすべて買い取ってくださって、非常に恵まれていたと思います。 -
Recommended recipe Culinary researcher Sachiko Hayashi (Atelier Goo)
Bacon baked potato
Moisten the potato oil with bacon oil and slowly skewers. Once baked, enjoy with your favorite spices such as curry powder, cheese and herbs.
【 Ingredients (for 5)】
Potatoes: 5 pieces / bacon: 5-6 pieces / salad oil: 1 tablespoon / salt: appropriate amount
※ Sprinkle curry powder, mix herb, parmesan cheese, etc. on the baked potatoes to expand the taste variation.
① The potatoes are scrubbed with scourers, sliced into 1cm thick slices, stabbed with bamboo skewers, and immersed in salt water about 3% in seawater (salt concentration 3%) for 10 to 20 minutes.
② Cut bacon into 2-3cm width.
③ Remove the skewer from ① and wipe off the moisture, and pierce alternately with ②.
④Wrap ③ in aluminum foil, bake for 20-25 minutes in an oven toaster, remove the foil, apply salad oil with a brush, and bake for 15-20 minutes.
Interview with Kengo Miura
Hokkaido is the country's largest potato producing area with a share of 80% (produced in 2017). The place of origin of potatoes is said to be higher than 3000 meters above sea level in the Central Andes Mountains in South America. It is strong against cold, the temperature of cultivation is 15 to 21 degrees, suitable for cool Hokkaido climate, from spring to autumn. Since the cultivation period can be secured for a long time, the yield is high.
Potatoes are rich in nutrients such as vitamins C, B1, potassium and fiber. Vitamin C, which has the effect of strengthening blood vessels, contains about five times the amount of apples, and its main feature is that starch is gelatinized even when heated, making it difficult for vitamin C to be lost. Depending on the application, about 50 varieties such as potatoes and make-in are planted in Hokkaido.
Located in the suburbs of about 1 hour by car from the capital of Sapporo, Chitose City, where large-scale upland farming is connected to the Tokachi region. Using feed as a link between agriculture and poultry farming, he refines his skills while practicing the traditional “circular agriculture”.
Endless interest in life
I was originally interested in safe food and how life grows up. I was not allergic to myself, but I was worried that there were few allergies and atopic children in my childhood when I became a college student, there were several people in class. is. Since I was working in Tokyo, I have visited farmers and asked them how to grow pesticide-free vegetables. I never thought it would work.
When I returned to my hometown of Sapporo and was thinking about what to do next, a friend from Hokkaido told me that a farmer would be right.
It has been 18 years since I started farming in Chitose City using the new farming system in Hokkaido. I chose Chitose because I had a friend who introduced me to a farmhouse here. Also, I thought about where to sell the produced agricultural products, so I thought it would be better near Sapporo. I started with two hectares of new agriculture standards, but the farmers who made me a chance to become a farmer bought all the things I made, who did not even know the word “no” in agriculture. I think I was very blessed.