商品名 有機にんじん・新米セット 農薬 無農薬 肥料 無化学肥料 認証 有機JAS認証 販売 12月〜1月 賞味期限 にんじん:到着後冷蔵保存で2週間 新米:常温保存で1ヶ月 生産者 有限会社吉備路オーガニックワーク 代表者 代表取締役 林賢治 住所 岡山県総社市
にんじんの反収は全国平均的に3〜3・5トンといわれますが、ここは当初2・5トンでした。徳島の板野地区のように反収5トンの目標を定め、先行投資で土作りにお金と時間をかけ、3年で3・5トンが見え始めました。収量と同時に、糖度や姿形などの品質向上も図っています。高品質で高栄養価、多収穫を実現するのが目標です。いまは年2作ですが、いいにんじんを作るには年1作のほうがいいだろうと考えています。人間同様、田畑にも休む時期が必要ではないでしょうか。 土壌分析・施肥設計に基づき、黒マルチや透明マルチを駆使して太陽熱養生処理で土作りをして栽培するBLOF理論の実践を心がけています。手間暇かかるのが有機農業ではなく、栄養価が高く慣行以上に収量が上がり、味も良い、虫にも強い、連作障害も少なくなるというのがBLOF理論の原理原則です。3年で土質が軟らかく変わり、にんじんと一緒にコンクリートのような土が固まって掘り出される状態から、にんじんだけがスポッと抜けるようになり、秀品率も上がりました。
今年のにんじんは糖度が12度ぐらいで、非常に甘いと評判です。去年までは10度ほどで、一般の7〜8度よりは甘かったのですが、今年は特にいい。知識や知恵が蓄積され、経験値を踏まえ、いろいろな作柄に対するアプローチができつつあります。 科学的なことも大事ですが、感性を忘れたらいい野菜はできないと思います。ボタン一つで結果が出る世界にいる人は経過を見ずに判断しますが、同じ言葉でも相手の目つきや頷くタイミングなどで感じる部分があるものです。コミュニケーション能力や人間力、グローバルに物事を見る力が、ますます必要になってくるでしょう。農業にはすごく可能性があるんじゃないかなと思っています。
お勧めレシピ 料理研究家 林幸子(アトリエ・グー主宰)
A= 卵:2個/小麦粉:1/2カップ
① 白身魚は太めの拍子木切りにし、塩を振ります。にんじんは皮付きのまま斜め薄切りにし、さらに端から切って細めの千切りにします。
② 千切りにしたにんじんに小麦粉をまぶします。Aを手で握りつぶすように混ぜ合わせ、なめらかな衣生地を作ります。
③ ②のにんじんと衣生地をよく混ぜ合わせます。
④ フライ返しやしゃもじの上に③を広げ、①の白身魚をのせ、さらに③をのせて蓑の形にし、170℃の油で揚げます。 -
Accumulate experience. The aim is delicious, nutritious and adequate yield.
This is an organic carrot from Kibiji.
Organic carrot,rice /kibijiorganicwork
Particular about organic farming and produce delicious and nutritious agricultural products.
Soja City, located in the southwestern part of Okayama Prefecture, is located in Okayama City in the eastern part and Kurashiki City in the southern part, with a population of approximately 68,000 (as of April 1, 2017) ), Total area about 212 square kilometers. Takahashi River, one of the three major rivers in Okayama Prefecture with the karst plateau upstream, flows through the center of the area from north to south. The average annual temperature is around 16.5 degrees Celsius, and the rainfall is around 1,000 millimeters a year.
Utilizing the blessings of nature, Kibiji Organic Work produces carrots, paddy rice, sweet potatoes, etc. in a 10-hectare "Soja Farm" centered on the Kiyone district of Soja City. The plant was cultivated with thorough attention to soil cultivation, nutritional value, and taste without using chemically synthesized pesticides and fertilizers. In 2001, it received Organic JAS certification and Okayama organic pesticide-free agricultural products.
Last year, we took over Kubo Tourist Farm of Mitsu Paper Works in Kita-ku, Okayama City and started operation of Kubo Farm, the largest experience farm in the prefecture. We are striving for our vision of "promoting attractive agriculture, revitalizing the region, and revitalizing beautiful satoyama."
◉Organic JAS carrots based on safety and security
◉Practicing agriculture aiming for stable supply while pursuing deliciousness and functionality
◉Promote agriculture with business feasibility in mind and develop sustainable agriculture including the economykibijiorganicwork official site
Product name Organic Carrot and rice set Pesticide No pesticid Fertilizer No Chemical fertilizer Authentication Organic JAS Certification Sell December-January best before Carrots: 2 weeks refrigerated after arrival New rice: 1 month stored at room temperature Producer Kibiji Organic Work co.,ltd. Representative Kenji Hayashi Address Soja City, Okayama Prefecture
Become Okayama's leading agricultural production corporation
The founder, Tatsuo Konishi's carrots, has a strong brand throughout the country and was well known even when selling direct. I heard that Mr. Kosai was sick and my company's cloud was suspicious, and I thought it would be a waste to go away. As we entered the era of a lack of production, I was wondering who would manage and utilize many of the existing fields through the operation of a direct sales place. Therefore, as an agricultural production corporation centered on vegetables, I came in with the desire to revitalize Okayama.
At the time, about four people were working, led by Yoshihisa Hattori, the manager of the production department. It was a group of Supermans with three or four containers weighing 20 kg and running smoothly from one end of the field to the other. I think we are in an age where we need to train our bodies to grow, but those four were too trained.
Amino acids, minerals and soil are the keys
It is said that the average yield of carrots is 3 to 3.5 tons nationwide, but this was initially 2.5 tons. As in the Itano area of Tokushima, we set a target of 5 tons of anti-revenue, and spent money and time to make soil with upfront investment, and 3.5 tons began to appear in 3 years. At the same time as the yield, we are also trying to improve the quality such as sugar content and shape. The goal is to achieve high quality, high nutritional value, and high yield. Right now I have two works a year, but I think it would be better to make one a year to make good carrots. Like humans, I think we need a time to rest in the fields. Based on soil analysis and fertilizer application design, we are trying to practice the BLOF theory of cultivating soil by making full use of black mulch and transparent mulch by solar heat curing treatment.It is not organic farming that takes time and effort, but the principle of BLOF theory is that it is nutritious, yields higher than usual, tastes good, is resistant to insects, and has less obstacles to continuous cropping. In three years, the soil quality changed softly, and from the state where concrete-like soil was solidified and dug out together with carrots, only carrots came out and the rate of excellence increased.
Add sensitivity to scientific analysis
Since this is a flat land, drainage measures are thoroughly implemented by high ridge cultivation with a trench of about 20 to 30 cm so that the soaked water can escape smoothly. Don't forget the important thing, introducing advanced parts of traditional farming practices such as scientific analysis. Instead of following the results of the analysis, feeling the condition of the leaves, humidity and soil is the basic pleasure of agriculture, the fundamental pleasure of agriculture needed in the present age.
This year's carrots have a sugar content of about 12 and are reputed to be very sweet. Until last year it was about 10 degrees, which was sweeter than the general 7-8 degrees, but this year is especially good. Knowledge and wisdom are accumulated, and approaches to various designs are being made based on experience. Scientific matters are important, but if you forget your sensibilities, you won't be able to produce vegetables. People in a world where one button produces a result judge without observing the progress, but there are parts where the same words are felt by the opponent's eyes and timing of nodding. Communication skills, human skills, and the ability to see things globally will become increasingly necessary. I think agriculture has great potential.
One pillar into three arrows
90% of sales are carrots. I'm afraid that it is a single pillar, so I think that by using three arrows and shifting the cultivation period and harvest time, it is possible to somewhat diversify the risk. First of all, I would like to take over the celery specially made in the Yamate area. Another is rice. We think that it is necessary to increase the area of rice because abandoned cultivated land increases due to the remaining rice fields. As long as I am agriculture, I want to help the management of the fields. I would like to make the second and third pillars while polishing as a professional agricultural group.
Carrots are sold at streetside sales stands to keep in touch with local people. The sweet potatoes I have made are baked sweet potatoes. It is reputed to be sweet to a neighbor lady. It would be nice if you could appeal to more local people, such as selling directly next to the field. Vegetables are important for their freshness, and I would like people from Okayama to eat them first rather than expanding overseas.
Agriculture needs both specialists and management. A person who deeply pursues and researches the creation of good soil, and a person who runs and manages a company organization. That's why we need to make a company that only two people can employ. The initial desire to contribute to society through agriculture and to be a company that can appeal to everyone with pride as an agricultural production corporation centered on vegetables remains unchanged.
Recommended recipe Culinary researcher Sachiko Hayashi (Atelier Goo)
White fish carrot minoage
Tailored with carrots, wrap white fish (seasonal fish) or fillet and fry. Easy and delicious, perfect for side dishes! Another feature of this dish is that you can eat a lot of nutrient-rich carrots.
【 Materials (for 2 people)】
White fish: 4 slices / Carrot: 2 large / flour: 2 tablespoons / salt / flour / fried oil: appropriate amount / ponzu soy sauce: appropriately
A = Egg: 2 / flour: 1/2 cup
① Cut white fish into thicker beats and sprinkle with salt. Carrots are sliced diagonally with the skin on, then cut from the end into smaller slices.
② Sprinkle flour on shredded carrots. Mix A by squeezing it by hand to make a smooth garment.
③ Mix the carrot and batter well.
④ Spread ③ on the fried rice or rice scoop, put the white fish of ②, put ③ on it and make it into the shape of a cover, fry with 170 ° C oil.