フルーツの森 森谷果樹園
住 所:山形県天童市川原子2804
農薬 | 低農薬 |
肥料 | 無化学肥料 |
認証 | MOA自然農法(特別栽培)認定、特別栽培認証 |
販売 | 8月〜10月 |
消費目安 | 到着後約5日(常温保存) |
① 皮のままかぶりつける、安心の桃
② 剪定なしの、自然に任せた栽培
③ 作物への愛、そして地元の産業を考えた農業を展開
北限の桃源郷に煌めく 特別栽培の芳醇な桃
A specially grown mellow peach that shines in the northern limit of Tougenkyo
お勧めレシピ 料理研究家 林幸子(アトリエ・グー主宰)
ちょっと贅沢な桃のパスタを作りませんか? 豪華でみんなに喜ばれるパスタ、実はとても簡単です。ポイントは塩コショウでしっかりと味付けをすること。桃の新しい可能性を発見してください!
桃:1 〜 2個/スペアミント:ひとつかみ/フェデリーニ:120〜150g/塩:少々
A= レモン汁:大さじ1/2/ハチミツ:少々/オリーブ油:大さじ1
① 桃は皮をむき、種に向かって縦に切り込みを入れて実を切り離します。
② 桃の皮がむけにくいときは、沸騰した湯に入れて10秒ほどで引き上げて冷水に取ります。
③ ①の桃をボウルに入れてAを混ぜ合わせ、塩で強めに味付けします。ミントをちぎり入れてよく混ぜ、汁気を出します。
④ フェデリーニを袋に表示してあるよりも1〜2分長めにゆで、氷水にとって一気に冷やします。水切りして③に加え、からめ混ぜます。
フルーツの森 森谷果樹園の森谷光夫さんは、平成10年から化学肥料を使わず、農薬を最小限に抑えて、桃やさくらんぼ、ラ・フランス、りんごを特別栽培で育てている。園地の西には月山や朝日連峰、東には水晶山がそびえ、奥羽山脈系の白水川と乱川からは滋養たっぷりのミネラル天然水が標高140メートルの扇状地に注ぐ。
普通は種類や系統を2、3に絞るんです。でも、1品種、1週間から10日なので、2か月ほど供給するため、楽しみながら少しずつリレー形式で品種を繋げ、農縁という食の縁を大事にしています。 -
Recommended recipe Culinary researcher Sachiko Hayashi (Atelier Goo)
Peach and mint cold spaghetti
Why do not you make luxurious peach pasta? Luxurious and pleasing pasta is actually very easy. The point is to season well with salt and pepper. Discover the new possibilities of peach!
【Materials (for 2 people)】
Peach: 1-2 pieces / Spearmint: One bite / Federini: 120-150g / Salt: a little
A = Lemon juice: 1/2 tablespoon / Honey: a little / Olive oil: 1 tablespoon
★ Federini is thick 1.4mm long pasta.
① Peel the peaches and cut them vertically by cutting them into the seeds.
② If the peach is hard to peel, put it in boiling water, pull it up in about 10 seconds, and take in cold water.
③ Put the peach in ① into a bowl, mix A and season with salt. Add the mint and mix well to bring out the juice.
④ Boil Federini one to two minutes longer than indicated on the bag, and chill in ice water. Drain, add to ③ and mix.
nterview with Mitsuo Moriya
In the center of the city, Maizuru is said to have a doji descending from heaven, Zao Mountains to the east, and Sacred Peak Gassan to the west. Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture, full of charm. La France, the highest peak of western pears praised as the Queen of Fruits, boasts the highest production volume in Japan, and harvests abundant fruits such as cherry, peaches, grapes, and apples in the early summer, representing Yamagata Prefecture, seasonally. It is a fruit kingdom.
Fruit Forest Mitsuo Moriya from Moriya Orchard has been growing peaches, cherries, La France, and apples specially since 1998 without using chemical fertilizers and minimizing pesticides. Gassan and Asahi Mountains rise to the west of the park, and Crystal Mountain rises to the east. Nutrient-rich mineral natural water flows from the Ou Mountain Range of Shirasukawa and Ranagawa into an alluvial fan at 140 meters above sea level.
Taking advantage of natural science and the properties of wood, healthy peaches grown with natural microbial materials are not easily oxidized or degraded, and are rich in nutrients such as anthocyanins and pectins. Fibers hardly remain on teeth and can be eaten with skin.
Relay cultivation of 20 peaches
In the hot summer, life activities are active and the natural world is full of dynamism. The peaches harvested in summer are rich in dietary fiber and have various excellent functions.
The peach field that has been certified for special cultivation is 2 fields, including the joint management, the total number of natural peach fields is 8 fields and 2400 tsubo. I think that Tendo's climate and topography are suitable for fruits, such as seasonal and day / night temperature differences, westerly westerly winds, river ions, and mountain minerals. Although not fertile, the well-drained fan is clean and has a very good tour of the fruit trees.
From the end of July to the beginning of August, the first harvest is my original peach called Yume Crystal. Kodama is used as a dessert by a famous pastry chef in Tokyo. Then, Hikawa hakuho, Misato, Akatsuki, Madoka, Youkahi, Takinosawa Gold, Shimizu White Peach, Red Golden Peach, Golden Peach, Sweet Huang Peach, Ripe Yellow Peach, Kawanakajima, Red Nishiki, Miharu White Peach, Sakura, Kosai , October CX, Kogetsu and about 20 varieties, I make what I want to eat, what you want to eat. If you don't want to make it, hesitate and plant the next one.
Usually, the type and system are narrowed down to a few. However, since one varieties, one week to 10 days, to supply for about two months, we connect the varieties little by little in a relay format while having fun, and cherish the food edge of farming.