住 所:広島県尾道市瀬戸田町中野586
ミカンは極早生(ごくわせ)-早生-中生(なかて)- 晩生(おくて)と収穫時期によって、また品種によっても違いがある。品種は多少前後することはありあるが、興津・宮川・田口・石地・南柑・大津という順番で、その時期の美味しい品種をリレー形式でお届けしている。 みかんは昔から身近な果物で、たくさんの方に食べていただきたいと、一般的な品種も高級といわれる品種もすべて値段を統一して「みかん」として販売している。ただ甘いだけでなく、ほど良い酸味があり、甘さが舌に残らず後味がすっきりするのでいくらでも食べられるのが特徴だ。注文時期によって変わる品種を試して欲しいと、能勢さんは考えている。
商品名 しまなみミカン 農 薬 無化学農薬 肥 料 無化学肥料 認 証 特別栽培 販 売 11月〜3月 消費目安 冷暗所にて2周間
僕の家は代々の農家ではありません。親父はトラックの運転手で、この島のみかんを運送していました。無農薬や無添加の食材を販売している関西の方から有機栽培の農産物を求められ、親父は大胆なタイプでしたから、自分で取り組むことにしたそうです。放任園なども預かってきたので、生口島と高根島の条件のいい所から悪い所まで散り散りに畑があります。 -
Sales time: November to May
Safety Fruit
Representative : Kentarou Nose
Address: 586 Nakano, Setoda-cho, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima
Safetyfruites's official siteHealthy oranges grown by the Seto Inland Sea and warm climate
Mandarin oranges are very early-early-middle-late-late and differ depending on the harvest time and variety. The varieties may vary slightly, but in the order of Okitsu, Miyagawa, Taguchi, Ishiji, Nankan, and Otsu, we deliver delicious varieties of that period in a relay format. Mandarin oranges have been a familiar fruit for a long time, and we sell all general varieties and high-class varieties as "mandarin oranges" at the same price so that many people can eat them. Not only is it sweet, but it also has a moderate acidity, and the sweetness does not remain on the tongue and the aftertaste is refreshing, so you can eat as much as you want. Mr. Nose wants you to try different varieties that change depending on the time of order.
Reasons to recommend
◉Implementing cultivation methods that we want our children to eat
◉You can use the skin with confidence (bath, etc.)
◉Aiming for agriculture that can reach out to people considering the region
Product name Shimanami mandarin oranges Pesticide Free chemical pesticide Fertilizer Free chemical fertilizer Authentication Special cultivation Sell Blue lemon: November, yellow lemon: January-May Consumption standard 2 weeks in a cool dark place
*The video and articles are from Nose-san's Shimanami Lemon.
Speaking of Nose's lemon, it is becoming popular among patissiers and chefs as a lemon that can be used with confidence. This is because various chefs like to use lemon-based sweets, lemon sours and whole lemons, and liqueurs with lemon. Now Shimanami Lemon is about to be recognized as a safe and reliable representative of Japan. Blood orange, who says he wants to work harder in the future, has been offered at low prices when children want to know about it, but it is now used for lunch.
Nose always talks to customers over the phone. He says he doesn't like business that doesn't make sense and wants him to come to the field. We want them to know the environment of Setoda (Ikuchijima) and their own farming methods before purchasing products.
At present, most of the lemons distributed in Japan are made in foreign countries, and less than 10% of domestic lemons are produced. Foreign lemons, which take a long time to transport, are shipped in an immature state with fungicides and preservatives, while domestic lemons have the great advantage that they can bring ripe and fresh ones to market, making food safe. Are gaining attention and demand is growing. Among them, Hiroshima Prefecture boasts the largest cultivation area and production volume of lemons in Japan, and accounts for more than half of the domestic lemons.Setoda-cho, Onomichi City, also ships the most lemons in the prefecture. Consisting of two islands, Ikuchijima and Takanejima, it is known as one of Japan's foremost citrus producing areas such as lemon, mandarin orange, navel, and hassaku.
Kentaro Nose, who has been cultivating healthy lemons and tangerines without using preservatives and waxes, as well as pesticides, chemical fertilizers and herbicides, for more than 30 years since his father's generation, accounts for less than 1% in Setoda-cho. Organic farmers. About half of the island is steep, so the sun is shining on crops, so we focus on the safety and taste of eating the whole skin rather than the appearance, and we are making citrus fruits.Lemon with harsh climatic conditions
argest lemon-producing region because of its climatic conditions. It has a warm climate with one of the best sunshine hours in Japan, with little rainfall and little snow. Lemons are less susceptible to cold than other citrus fruits, and will die from the tip of the branch if the temperature minus 3 degrees continues for more than 3 hours. It is a citrus that is relatively difficult to grow because it has thorns on its branches and is easily damaged.
My lemon is said to be one of the cleanest in the open field organic cultivation, but because the pesticides have not been sprayed all the time, I think that the ecosystem is well balanced. Spraying insecticides kills both good and bad insects, which means that drug-resistant insects survive and that even stronger insecticides must be sprayed, creating a vicious cycle. There are no insects in the field where the herbicide is sown, so no wild boars enter. Here, there are various creatures such as cicada larvae and earthworms. The wild boar digs and plows them to eat them. Soft soil is made by microorganisms, insects and animals.
My house is not a generation of farmers. My father was a truck driver and carried oranges on the island. The father of Kansai, who sells non-pesticide-free and additive-free ingredients, requested organically grown agricultural products, and his father was a bold type, so he decided to work on his own. As we have also been entrusted with the Hojoen, there are fields scattered around Ikuchijima and Takanejima from good to bad conditions.