


記事: よしむら農園




よしむら農園 吉村義彦さん
Yoshimura Farm / Yoshihiko Yoshimura

  • 美しい自然の循環と共生を願って







     3歳か4歳の乳飲み子の時分から田んぼの近くで子守をされ、農作業を手伝うというより田んぼで遊んでいました。いま70歳になり、立場が逆転して田んぼに遊ばれているという感じでしょうか。  農協に勤めながら平成10年に有機農業を始めました。平成15年に定年を迎えて、保育士の仕事を退職した妻と、「環境に優しい農業を通じて安全安心な食べ物を生産する」ことを目標にしました。「楽しく農業をし、田舎を見て遊び、料理し、おいしくいただき、楽しめる仲間を増やす」、これが行動指針です。食事は人間にとって最も大事なもの。スローフードを通じて食育の大切さを訴え、食卓と生産フィールドを結びつけるアクションを起こそうと決めました。

     例年、1反当り7〜8俵くらいとれるはずが、1/3ほどしかとれない年がいまでもあります。いつまでたっても勉強、研鑽です。同じように苦労している方の知恵を借りると、励みになります。  自分が苦労したぶん、他の人にも教えないといった心の狭い人が有機農業の仲間にはいません。自分の失敗を別の人が繰り返さないように教えてくれます。私たちの崇拝する人格のできた仲間に少しでも近づきたいという気持ちがあります。

  • Hoping for a beautiful natural cycle and symbiosis

    Hoping for a beautiful natural cycle and symbiosis

     In a rice field full of creatures
     View of the country where children frolic
     Together with nature that connects around
     People and rice are growing
     Let's eat the air of Wakasa together!

    This is the Yoshimura farm concept, which is also printed on my business cards. Mountains and rivers spread across the rice fields, and the idyllic rural scenery where one train on the JR Obama Line runs about once an hour is nostalgic, and I am grateful that I practice agriculture with a good emphasis on nature.
    Forests occupy about 70% of the country, making Japan one of the most lush in the world. Rural communities contribute to the environment. Paddy fields that purify water and air play the role of dams, and nurture the lives of many creatures. Without pesticides, chemical fertilizers and herbicides, river and sea creatures are also protected.
    In duck farming and organic JAS cultivation, many creatures such as microorganisms, earthworms, loach, frogs and birds gather in rice fields, and the natural food chain takes place. We take pride in agriculture that uses the characteristics of this village where fireflies can live and supports diverse creatures and plants in a cycle and symbiosis.
    Organic farming is often thought to be high, but it is probably the easiest to do. The most important thing is the sun. If you have solar energy, water and carbon dioxide, you can make rice. If a combination of creatures compatible with rice can be realized, the mysterious work of photosynthesis will be achieved, and the rice will respond to it.

    The blessings of the countryside are treasures for everyone

    We accept farming experiences so that children can become familiar with agriculture. We believe that the blessings of rural rice fields are not just treasures of our farmers. Visiting the countryside is hands-on learning. I want you to experience not only the work of planting rice but also the fun of playing with loach in the river. Some are naughty, but if you share the joy of harvesting in the autumn of rice harvesting, memories will be remembered in your heart. At the meal time after rice planting and rice harvesting, we try to eat the blessings of the blessed lake of the blessed mountains of Nono little by little so that we can know the true beauty of the countryside.
    I also go to school to talk as a guest teacher. I have to tell the local children exactly what the school teacher can't tell, so I'll be happy to do it for me and my wife. Since our vegetables are provided as ingredients for lunch, the house may go to the lunch center to explain the vegetables. Sometimes we receive happy thank-you letters from children, so that we can understand our thoughts, so we try to reply to each one as much as possible.

    Communicating the importance of food education with slow food

    I was a baby nursery near a rice field since I was 3 or 4 years old, and I was playing in the rice field rather than helping with farming. Now I am 70 years old. I started organic farming in 1998 while working for the agricultural cooperative.With the retirement age of 2003, my wife retired from childcare and my goal was to produce safe and secure food through environmentally friendly agriculture.This is the Behavioral guidelines"Enjoy farming, enjoy the countryside, play, cook, taste, and enjoy."Eating is the most important thing for humans. We decided to promote the importance of dietary education through slow food and take action to connect the table to the production field.
    "Fuji Fuji" is an inseparable relationship between the human body and the land, and the idea is that eating seasonal foods from the land is good for your health. Food education to learn local ingredients, cooking methods, local production and local consumption is very important. I think it is our age's duty to pass on to the next generation to the extent that it will not be refused even if it is brazen.

    Want to increase organic farming companions
    Every year, about 7 to 8 bales can be obtained per piece, but there are still years where only about 1/3 can be obtained. Study and study forever. The same wisdom can be encouraging.ぶ As you struggled, there is no one with a small heart who does not teach others to organic farming. Tells others not to repeat their mistakes. I want to get closer to our worshiped personality.
    Self-sufficiency is important, but it's not the era of a lonely wolf sitting on a mountain like a hermit and making everything alone. I think that if we show our strengths in fields where our peers are good at each other, we will have great overall strength and create a stable society. We hope that we can aim for agriculture with peace and moisture. We have formed an organization called the Organic Agricultural Research Group, and our friends are increasing.
    に We hope that we can live together after marriage and enjoy life after retirement, enlighten the importance of rural areas, and leave them for future children, with good food and good environment.

Side story

"The power of rice" entrusted to pictures and delivered to children (Haruko Yoshimura)

「福井のごはんを食べて強くなろう!」運動を2016年から展開している福井県。意識調査によると、福井の朝食の7割はごはんだという。 「福井県は食育でがんばっているから、全国学力テストで成績上位常連県なんですよ」と春子さん。朝食に食べた米がブドウ糖になって脳に栄養を補給し、腸を活発に動かす。腹持ちがよく、手軽にエネルギー補給もできる。そんな米の効能や朝食の大切さを、春子さんは10枚ほどの紙芝居風のパネルにまとめ、幼稚園や小学生、お母さん方に説説明し、わかりやすいと大好評だ。 田んぼの生き物がお米作りにどう関わるか、稲や生き物を色紙で表現したパネルもある。農園を食育の場として開放し、相田集落のサロンの運営を手伝いながら、お米の大切さを伝えることが春子さんのライフワークだ。「草ばっかりのうちの田んぼを見て二の足を踏んでしまい、有機農法に一歩踏み出せない人も多いかもしれませんが、もっともっと仲間を増やしたいなというのが、私のいまのいちばんの願いですね」

Fukui Prefecture has been promoting the “Let's get stronger by eating Fukui rice!” Campaign since 2016. According to a survey, 70% of breakfast at Fukui is rice. “Since Fukui Prefecture is doing its best in food education, it is a prefecture with the highest grades in the national academic ability test,” says Haruko. Rice eaten at breakfast turns into glucose, replenishes the brain and moves the intestines actively. Good stomach and easy energy supply. Haruko-san puts up effects of rice and the importance of breakfast in a panel of about 10 picture-story shows, explaining it to kindergartens, elementary school students, and mothers. There is also a panel that expresses rice and creatures with colored paper, how rice field creatures are involved in rice production. Haruko's life work is to open the farm as a place for food education and to convey the importance of rice while helping to run a salon in the Aida village. "Many people may give up organic farming by looking at my rice field full of grass, but my current desire is to increase the number of friends more "


よしむら農園 Yoshimura Farm
人員: 名
Address: Wakasa-cho, Fukui Prefecture
Personnel:2 person
Main products: rice,plum (Oganic JAS)

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