


記事: 吉備路オーガニックワーク




有限会社吉備路オーガニックワーク 林賢治さん
Kibiji Organic Work / Kenji Hayashi

  • 目標は岡山をリードする農業生産法人へと導くこと







     今年のにんじんは糖度が12度ぐらいで、非常に甘いと評判です。去年までは10度ほどで、一般の7〜8度よりは甘かったのですが、今年は特にいい。知識や知恵が蓄積され、経験値を踏まえ、いろいろな作柄に対するアプローチができつつあります。 科学的なことも大事ですが、感性を忘れたらいい野菜はできないと思います。ボタン一つで結果が出る世界にいる人は経過を見ずに判断しますが、同じ言葉でも相手の目つきや頷くタイミングなどで感じる部分があるものです。コミュニケーション能力や人間力、グローバルに物事を見る力が、ますます必要になってくるでしょう。農業にはすごく可能性があるんじゃないかなと思っています。



  • The goal is to lead Okayama's leading agricultural production corporation

    Become Okayama's leading agricultural production corporation

    The founder, Tatsuo Konishi's carrots, has a strong brand throughout the country and was well known even when selling direct. I heard that Mr. Kosai was sick and my company's cloud was suspicious, and I thought it would be a waste to go away. As we entered the era of a lack of production, I was wondering who would manage and utilize many of the existing fields through the operation of a direct sales place. Therefore, as an agricultural production corporation centered on vegetables, I came in with the desire to revitalize Okayama.
    At the time, about four people were working, led by Yoshihisa Hattori, the manager of the production department. It was a group of Supermans with three or four containers weighing 20 kg and running smoothly from one end of the field to the other. I think we are in an age where we need to train our bodies to grow, but those four were too trained.

    Amino acids, minerals and soil are the keys

    The average return of carrots is said to be 3 to 3.5 tons nationwide, but this was 2.5 tons at first. As with the Itano district in Tokushima, we set a target of 5 tons in anti-return, and we spent a lot of time and money on soil making with upfront investment, and in 3 years, we saw 3.5 tons. At the same time as the yield, we are also improving the quality such as sugar content and shape. The goal is to achieve high quality, high nutritional value, and high yield. Currently it is 2 works a year, but I think that a yearly work would be better to make a good carrot. Doesn't it need time to rest in the fields as well as humans?
    Based on the soil analysis and fertilization design, we try to practice the BLOF theory of cultivating and growing soil by solar curing treatment using black mulch and transparent mulch. The basic principle of BLOF theory is that organic farming takes time and effort, but nutrients are high, yields are higher than conventional practices, good taste, strong against insects, and fewer obstacles to continuous cropping. In three years, the soil changed softly, and from the state where concrete-like soil was hardened and excavated together with carrots, only carrots came through quickly and the rate of excellence increased.

    Add sensitivity to scientific analysis


    Since this is a flat land, drainage measures are thoroughly implemented by high ridge cultivation with a trench of about 20 to 30 cm so that the soaked water can escape smoothly. Don't forget the important thing, introducing advanced parts of traditional farming practices such as scientific analysis. Instead of following the results of the analysis, feeling the condition of the leaves, humidity and soil is the basic pleasure of agriculture, the fundamental pleasure of agriculture needed in the present age.
    This year's carrots have a sugar content of about 12 and are reputed to be very sweet. Until last year it was about 10 degrees, which was sweeter than the general 7-8 degrees, but this year is especially good. Knowledge and wisdom are accumulated, and approaches to various designs are being made based on experience. Scientific matters are important, but if you forget your sensibilities, you won't be able to produce vegetables. People in a world where one button produces a result judge without observing the progress, but there are parts where the same words are felt by the opponent's eyes and timing of nodding. Communication skills, human skills, and the ability to see things globally will become increasingly necessary. I think agriculture has great potential.

    One pillar into three arrows

    90% of sales are carrots. I'm afraid that it is a single pillar, so I think that by using three arrows and shifting the cultivation period and harvest time, it is possible to somewhat diversify the risk. First of all, I would like to take over the celery specially made in the Yamate area. Another is rice. We think that it is necessary to increase the area of ​​rice because abandoned cultivated land increases due to the remaining rice fields. As long as I am agriculture, I want to help the management of the fields. I would like to make the second and third pillars while polishing as a professional agricultural group.
    Carrots are sold at streetside sales stands to keep in touch with local people. The sweet potatoes I have made are baked sweet potatoes. It is reputed to be sweet to a neighbor lady. It would be nice if you could appeal to more local people, such as selling directly next to the field. Vegetables are important for their freshness, and I would like people from Okayama to eat them first rather than expanding overseas.
    Agriculture needs both specialists and management. A person who deeply pursues and researches the creation of good soil, and a person who runs and manages a company organization. That's why we need to make a company that only two people can employ. The initial desire to contribute to society through agriculture and to be a company that can appeal to everyone with pride as an agricultural production corporation centered on vegetables remains unchanged.

吉備路オーガニックワークの商品はこちらから / Click here for products

Side story

'Kubonouen' is rich village that makes dreams come true


There is a farm in the village of Mitsu in Otsu, about 15 minutes by car from Okayama Airport and about 40 minutes from the city. Mr. Hayashi's local tourism farm was taken on in earnest from last year. A large area is dotted with vineyards, vineyards and chestnut gardens, and we are trying to cultivate avocado. It is said that peach cultivation is also under consideration. We can enjoy grape hunting and shiitake mushroom cultivation of lumber cultivation, digging chestnuts and sweet potatoes, making BBQ and drum cans pizza, etc. all year round. The greenhouse of Muscat of Alexandria, which 95% is from Okayama Prefecture, is 700 tsubo. The experience of eating at the table has impressed the visitors. Mr. Hayashi said, "I want people of various professions with dreams, such as potters and restaurants, to live." Every field of rice fields, the family enjoys a mountain walk, is swayed by a hammock, and imagines a scene of a rich satoyama that acts like a swamp crab or fish at the river. The idea of ​​regional revitalization, such as wine made with Berry A and old-fashioned house hotel, does not know to stay. "I'm hoping to revitalize the hilly and mountainous areas through agriculture when the aging of the population makes it necessary to preserve the fields."


 吉備路オーガニックワーク KIBIJI Oganic Work
総社農園(本社) :岡山県総社市秦2653-3
Soja Farm (Head office): 2653-3 Soja City, Okayama Prefecture
Personnel: 15 people
Main products: carrot

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