オレンジヒルズ 松本喜一さん
Orange Hills / Kiichi Matsumoto
憩いのオリーブの丘と 有機JASレモン実現へ
将来的にはオリーブの木をもっと大きくして、加工場を作ったり、搾る機械を購入したり、販売先を考えたりしたいですね。オリーブが見える丘があり、そこに寛げる場所が備えられ、小さな圃場にはオリーブを搾れる機械を置いて試食ができるなど、そういった計画を実現していきたいです。 -
live Hill for Rest and Organic JAS Lemon Realization
Dekopon, lemon and olives are three pillars
Mr. Kiichi Matsuda, a famous person in Kumamoto prefecture, is said to be the god of agriculture, and his father who left Matsuda Farm gave him the same name. I started farming about 30 years ago. For two years, I studied at Tokyo University of Agriculture, taught at Ikebukuro Culinary School and joined a building maintenance company. When my countryside father and mother were just 60 years old, I came back thinking I had to take over.
I had been raising chickens until my third father, and now I have integrated them into citrus fruits and expanded the scale. The field area is now 8 hectares. Two olives, two lemons and four hectares of Decopon. The main item is Decopon, but we consider three pillars so that the harvest time does not overlap. Harvest olives in September and October and lemons in October and December and transfer to Dekopon. The primary goal is to make young trees mature, both lemons and olives.
It's been eight years since I started working on lemon-free pesticide cultivation. The climate here is warm and suitable for lemons and citrus. The soil is red soil, rich in minerals, and contains a lot of iron. Resistant to drying and has water retention. However, heavy snow fell four years ago, and all the lemon trees died. I've been alive for 66 years and it's my first time to fall so much. I cut everything from about 20 cm from the root and finally returned to the original place and harvested in earnest from this year. 150 are for 40 ares, the yield is about 2 tons, and the variety is Lisbon.No technology better than varieties
Pesticide-free lemon loses. These brown leaves are sick. When it rains, the bacteria fall along with the drops and spread. To prevent this, medicine is usually applied from early spring, but since pesticides are not used, it actually has an effect. The customer buys something that looks bad and would otherwise be discarded.
Around 1 hectare have been newly planted in a field of about 1 hectare of edible lemon, which is a new varieties of liquor, which is less susceptible to canker disease. As it has always been said that there is no technology better than varieties, no matter how much you try, you cannot make a sweet lemon. I can't do anything with technology. The first basic is to select varieties, so we chose pesticide-free cultivation and selected varieties that are less likely to get sick. In the second year it grows almost 2 meters, so you can harvest it next year.
Since no post-harvest such as insect repellents, fungicides, and waxes are used, you can eat the whole skin with confidence. Some markets do not want to touch imported lemons directly because their hands are peeled off with wax if they keep touching them. This year, we started to acquire organic JAS certification, and after three years we want to make it completely organic and connect it to sales.Work and life are fun with a stable base
Citrus fruits other than lemon are reduced pesticides. Like lemons, we supply organic fertilizer made by a Minamata city company. Usually, you can apply pesticides up to 22 times, but since it is reduced to half, it is a special cultivation if you apply.
Basically, I don't want to apply all pesticides, but some Dekopon consumers value their appearance as gifts. In the absence of pioneers and textbooks, I tried to grow Dekopon without pesticides in Gori fog, but I failed because the pericarp became black with the citrus red mite. Unlike vegetables, a single failure wastes a year, and it takes a year or two to restore the yield.。
Actually, my father was the fruit manager of the agricultural cooperative, so I stopped the cooperative and got into a fight. My father, who lived with me, said, "I am a traitor. But my father eventually pruned together and told me I was glad I chose the path.
We have created a company called Orange Hills to help children live a stable life as a farmer. If we do not have a stable base, we cannot contribute to the community. Basically, there is income and vacation like a salaryman. Closed on Sundays, from 8:00 to 5:00, with no overtime. My son is soccer, and I want to enjoy riding while enjoying my life. If you look at it, the grandchildren may inherit.Global environment from a global perspective
What we want to pass on to the next generation is environmental issues. Both forestry and agriculture produce air. If we do not reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, satoyama will decrease. The damage of wild boars and other animals is extremely high, and it becomes more serious when forestry and agriculture decline. Agriculture can prevent land from becoming rough.
By using as little chemical pesticides and fertilizers as possible, groundwater pollution is reduced. Chemicals are decomposed by light and soil, but all of them cannot penetrate and penetrate the soil to become groundwater. Whether it flows into the sea or is pumped and drunk. Orange Hills does not use any chemically synthesized fertilizers.
In the future, I would like to make the olive trees even bigger, build a processing plant, buy machines to squeeze, and think about where to sell them. There is a hill where you can see the olives, there is a place to relax, and in a small field you can put a machine that squeezes olives and try out such a plan.
オレンジヒルズの商品はこちらから / Click here for Halka Farm
Side story
Looking forward to the growth of the seedlings, looking forward to 5 and 10 years from now (Reibi Matsumoto, 5th generation)
レモンは4年前の大雪で一度は枯れてしまったけど、奇跡的に復活し、収穫できるようになりました。加工にも使えるし、増やしたい。有機JASレモンの価値をわかってくれる人がいっぱいいると思うので、大変でもがんばってやっていきたいです。 みかん農家の僕と他の野菜農家と連携して水俣の物を売りに行ったりもしたいですね。相談したり切磋琢磨したりできる同世代が周りにいれば、もっとやりがいがあるのになと思います。
I started farming eight years ago when I was 20 years old. I wanted to be a soccer player until elementary school, but after that I wanted to do it even if I didn't say that I wanted to farm, so my dad would be great.
I went to Kumamoto Agricultural High School after graduating from school because I was strong in soccer and learned agriculture, and went to the Fruit Tree Research Institute in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture. My mother collapsed, and I returned from two years in one year and trained at Kannonyama Fruit Garden in Wakayama for one year. I studied online because it was mainly online ordering, and it sold 10 times in the same size as our farm.
Lemons have died once in heavy snow four years ago, but they have miraculously revived and can now be harvested. It can be used for processing and I want to increase it. I think there are a lot of people who understand the value of organic JAS lemon, so I want to do my best even hard. I would also like to go to Minamata to sell things in collaboration with me, a tangerine farmer, and other vegetable farmers. I think it would be more rewarding if there were people around the same generation who could talk and work hard together.
オレンジヒルズ | Orange Hills |
所在地:熊本県水俣市江添 人員:5名 主な商品:デコポン、レモン、オリーブ |
Address: Ezoe, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture Personnel: 5person Main products: Decopon, lemon, olive |