


記事: 山下農園




山下農園 山下一美さん
Yamashita Farm / Kazumi Yamashita

  • 風光明媚な地に揺れる艶やかな樹上完熟レモン









  • A luscious tree-ripe lemon swaying in a scenic area

    Lemon harvest after order

    The lemon harvest season is from December 1st to March 31st. It is often said that "fresh and scented is really good" because it will be shipped immediately upon order. It has a thick skin and is also pleasing to those who want to use freshly cut lemon peel. We hope to expand our storage facilities in the future so that we can ship until the end of October when foreign lemons are cut. The annual schedule will include pruning in April, fertilizer in June, and pest control in April and June. In the typhoon, the skin of the skin is damaged by the spines of the lemon, which may cause ulcer disease.
    The field area of ​​lemons is about three. The result is a biennial result that alternates between high and low yielding years, so it is about 2 tons at most and 1 ton when it is low.
    I've been planting lemons for the last 10 years. It hasn't been that long since I started earnestly after my father passed away. I anticipated that demand would increase. I cut a tangerine tree and planted a lemon, but from the beginning it was made of fertilizer-free and pesticide because the soil was good.
    My father has always been using oranges in natural farming, so he has inherited no fertilizers and no pesticides, and has practiced organic farming for more than 60 years. At that time, he was soggy with pesticides and herbicides, saying, "It's not good for the body, this is bad." When my father was over 20 years old, he switched about one-third of the field to natural farming and gradually turned it all organic. Apparently. It was a natural farming run, so he didn't know anything about the cultivation method, and the surrounding area was a Modern farming method, so he seemed to have a hard time being treated as a weirdo.

    Tangerine with a balance of sweetness and sourness

    This area has been cultivating tangerines since the Meiji era and has a long history, and the climate is suitable for citrus. In the past, it was colder but could be grown, and in recent years it has been warming. The volcanic ash is suitable for natural farming and organic farming. If it is a clay layer, it will be hard in the dry season, but it is soft soil.
    If you go to a tourist farm, the soil will become harder as people come and go. The reason why Yugawara mandarin orange farmers stopped sightseeing farms is that their roots no longer grow. I'm not going to a tourist farm because it's not good for trees.
    Summer sunshine, sunshine hours around October, and rainfall affect taste. There are many repeaters because it is not only sour as in the past, but also a nostalgic taste. Not only sweet but also rich.
    The main varieties are Unshu mandarin oranges, Fujinaka Unshu, early Miyagawa and late Aoshima. Shonan Gold and New Summer Orange are grown because they have good aroma and are popular with consumers. Dekopon and Haruka, Hayaka, Sweet Spring, Okitsu early and Yura early, etc. are planted or planted in small quantities to fit this land. Even good varieties that require fertilizer cultivation are not suitable for cultivation without fertilizer.

    Earthworm's enemy to make soil is wild boar

    I sold a little bit of my father's field, which was about 13ha. Organic JAS certification was obtained in all fields in 2001. Organic JAS can use approved fertilizers, so we do so within that range. I got sick, but did not have any trouble with the pests. This is because there were naturally natural enemies that eat pests.
    Earthworms make the soil, and there are many in the fields of natural farming, but wild boars dig up the soil and eat earthworms. Even if you make a fence, it will break the fence and the stone wall, and the number is increasing, so the most troublesome thing is the problem of wild boar.
    In the mid-forties when mandarin oranges became cheaper, they started landscaping. Even when there is a landscaping job, the wife always works and is indispensable. Every harvest is also a wife and two. My son has inherited the landscaping business, but I do not know if he will also inherit agriculture. I continue to do what my father has done, and I'm creating soil with great care, so I want to have someone take over the field, but I can not say strongly because the three children have their own lives . There are many ways to hire employees, so I hope you understand the value.

    Foster energies with family gatherings

    I started farming at the age of 18 and now I am 73. After I'm 70, I'll do the bad things I need to do on that day, but I'm determined not to overdo it.
    It is fun to gather about 13 people, including 8 grandchildren, at family events about three times a year, such as rice cake making, home vegetable garden harvesting, tea picking experience. I also make vegetable gardens after my father. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli, radish, green onions, tomatoes, etc. are all organically grown. If you can make carrots and spinach well, you're alone. Tea is also organic.
    My father died at the age of 93, and his last year was a 13-year anniversary. Since I lived here, the environment was good. His father's brother also lived up to 94. I do not know if I will live longer than my father because I am overworking my body, but it is best to do what I like. If you are hired, you have to do exactly what the customer says, but being able to do it yourself is the real pleasure of agriculture.
    The oldest grandson will be in third grade this year. The bottom is 6 years old because I go to elementary school this year. If possible, I want to see the great-grandchild's face. That is my current dream.

山下農園の商品はこちらから / Click here for Yamashita Farm

Side story

Looking forward to the growth of the seedlings, looking forward to 5 and 10 years from now (Reibi Matsumoto, 5th generation)


Yamashita's lemon, which is shipped after receiving an order. The last order is set for March 31st, so it will end in April. It is said that it will be stored in storage for about 1 to 2 weeks and the remaining amount will be returned to the field.
"It's not damaged. Everyone sends it for processing, but we use fertilizer for what we can't sell. Even if we carry it to sell for 5 yen or 15 yen per kilo, it does not cost gasoline. , It's better to give it back to the field as fertilizer, so it's the case with mandarin oranges and lemons. "
 For the mandarin oranges harvested in December, write down the harvest date, variety, quantity, and number of containers, and store them in the storage box at the back of the sorting field. When the shipment is finished in February to March, the storage space of 2 tons will be empty after April. Mr. Yamashita thinks that there is no way to use it.
“The temperature is low in winter, but it rises in summer, so in the future we aim to remodel this storage to make it a facility that has the function of a refrigerator. I would like to be able to ship lemons from March until the end of October. ''


山下農園 Yamashita Farm
Address: Ezoe, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Personnel: 2person
Main products: Citrus fruits such as lemons

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佐久間権左衛門 farm letter vol.03

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